How do Vertical bands work
I need to make a report with a variable amount of columns...
I tried using the DBCross-tab object, but i need the table to allways occupie the full page width even if it as to strech the columns, and i need it to be master-detail type
tables should be something likes this:
Group 1: department a
| Year1 | Year2 |
Process N.?? | group N.?? | Name | Av1|Av2|Av3|Av1|Av2|Av3|
123 | 356 | Jonh | 10 | 15 | | 5 | 23 | 52|
124 | 357 | Alice | 9 | 12 |32 | 99 | 52 |33 |
Group 1: department B
| Year1 |
Process N.?? | group N.?? | Name | Av1|Av2|Av3|Av4|Av5|Av6|
123 | 356 | Jake | 10 | 15 | 12 |51| 23 | 52|
124 | 357 | Ana | 9 | 12 |31 | 9 | 52 |33 |
The first 3 columns are static, but the others vary both on the number dependeing on the configuration selected by the user, and available acording to the group.
And to add to this, i need the table to change page horizontly if the amount of collumns does not fit on the page.
I was trying to user Vertical Bands, but i can't understand how they work, and i can't find much info, neither on documentation or online.
Can someone tell me if i can achieve this with vertical bands?
If so, how do they work?
Thanks in advance!
I need to make a report with a variable amount of columns...
I tried using the DBCross-tab object, but i need the table to allways occupie the full page width even if it as to strech the columns, and i need it to be master-detail type
tables should be something likes this:
Group 1: department a
| Year1 | Year2 |
Process N.?? | group N.?? | Name | Av1|Av2|Av3|Av1|Av2|Av3|
123 | 356 | Jonh | 10 | 15 | | 5 | 23 | 52|
124 | 357 | Alice | 9 | 12 |32 | 99 | 52 |33 |
Group 1: department B
| Year1 |
Process N.?? | group N.?? | Name | Av1|Av2|Av3|Av4|Av5|Av6|
123 | 356 | Jake | 10 | 15 | 12 |51| 23 | 52|
124 | 357 | Ana | 9 | 12 |31 | 9 | 52 |33 |
The first 3 columns are static, but the others vary both on the number dependeing on the configuration selected by the user, and available acording to the group.
And to add to this, i need the table to change page horizontly if the amount of collumns does not fit on the page.
I was trying to user Vertical Bands, but i can't understand how they work, and i can't find much info, neither on documentation or online.
Can someone tell me if i can achieve this with vertical bands?
If so, how do they work?
Thanks in advance!
Order Master dataset by department field, Detail dataset - unique values of the years values, subdetail - Av values
Add TfrxGroupHeader, TfrxMasterData, vertical TfrxHeader and TfrxMasterData
Assign horizontal TfrxMasterData with master dataset, vertical TfrxMasterData - with Detail dataset
Place static columns from Master dataset on the vertical TfrxHeader, Av fields - on the vertical TfrxMasterData band Attach a sample what you mean
But my main problem persists, i still have no clue on how vertical bands work, they seem to be a possible solution for some of my problems, since most of my reports are table's with a variable number a columns.
Is there any documentation that explains how vertical bands work, or any type of course, training... something that explains this component?
Unfortunately that means that i will continue to have a lot of trouble with grid designs, since one of the company rules regarding reports, is that grids must always use the full page width, no matter how many columns it as, in some cases we use a single column stretch to fill the empty space, like a name column, and on other case, we fill with empty grayed out columns. Also no cells must be left open, like what happens when a cross-tab splits horizontally.
I'm in the demo right now and I don't see a 'calendar' example anywhere. Version 20 18.2.24