Group-Report: Page footer shows wrong info

edited 10:00PM in FreeReport

FreeReport 2.33, Delphi 4.

I've created a report with groups which should print a list of delivery notes and per delivery note each order line. For each new order no. a new page is created. Because of the amount of order lines, some delivery notes consist of several pages.

Here is the report:
condition = order no.
print = order no., customer, ...

datasource = frDBDataSet
print = order line no., article, amount, sales price, ...

print = Total amount of order - Sum(amount)

print = Total amount of page, comment as order info
What is working correctly?
Each new delivery note is printed to a new page. Fine:)

What isn't working?
The comment of the order which is printed in the page footer belongs to the delivery note of the next page.

Up to now I bypassed this problem by placing the comment field in the group header.
But there must be a solution to place the data in the page footer of a group report, isn't it?

Can anybody help?



  • edited October 2017
    I'm having a similar problem - Delphi 10.1 Berlin; FastReport 5.6.2, Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64 bit (32 bit Delphi project / compilation)

    I have no grouping, just a PageHeader, MasterData and PageFooter band. A TfrxMemoView in the page footer is connected to a singe dataset. The problem is that it always shows the value from the next page, e.g. page 1 has the value that should appear on page2, etc. The last and second-last pages both show the data value from the last page. When I move it up into the MasterData band, it works correctly.

    I tried to work around it by not linking it to a data field, but writing the value in the OnBeforePrint event, and it does exactly the same. It's as if the Memo is somehow linked and rendered by the next page.
  • gpigpi
    edited 10:00PM
    Try to check Engine.FreeSpace in the TfrxMasterData.OnAfterCalcHeight event and call Engine.NewPage if free space is not enought

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