Error on report print
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Hello everybody, How are you?
I'm having some errors in Fast Report passing the values ​​to my parameters by Visual Studio 2015. The error occurs in my parameter that gets the string connection.
The values ​​work if they are configured via the Data Wizard (image1). However, if I set the parameter through Visual Studio, this message happens (image 2).
Image 3 shows my code currently. Image 4 shows that if I put the line report1.SetParameterValue ("connection1", con) below the report1.Load (dir) line a new error occurs. Could you please help me? Thanks.
Hello everybody, How are you?
I'm having some errors in Fast Report passing the values ​​to my parameters by Visual Studio 2015. The error occurs in my parameter that gets the string connection.
The values ​​work if they are configured via the Data Wizard (image1). However, if I set the parameter through Visual Studio, this message happens (image 2).
Image 3 shows my code currently. Image 4 shows that if I put the line report1.SetParameterValue ("connection1", con) below the report1.Load (dir) line a new error occurs. Could you please help me? Thanks.

Anyway this is what I've used in an old ASP.Net project that loads and runs arbitrary reports;