Iterate over table with select-statement - using parameters

edited July 2017 in FastReport .NET

I am using the FastReport.Net Designer and connected to my database. There I chose the necessary tables and started to design my report. Till now - no problem!

But if I would like to bind a data table via a select statement (later for using parameters) I get in trouble with iterating over this table. I have to choose a new table name (mytableX) and I just tried the simplest way: "select * from myorigintable". I adjusted my testfield to "[mytableX.mycolumnY]" and redefined the Data Source in the DataBand-options (context menu --> Edit...) to my new table "mytableX". And now it's not possible to get a preview.

I checked all spellings and found no typing mistakes. That seems to be alright. I had a look at the imported data of mytableX in the Data Explorer on the right site via "context menu --> View Data...". The content is available.

But I still get this errors:
Cell37: Error CS1525: Invalid expression '['
Cell37: Error CS1002:; expected
Cell37: Error CS1002:; expected
Cell37: Error CS1525: Invalid expression ']'
Cell37: Error CS1525: Invalid expression '['
Cell37: Error CS1002:; expected
Cell37: Error CS1002:; expected
Cell37: Error CS1525: Invalid expression ']'

Does anyone have an idea what the problem is or how I can solve my problem? I would like to get selected tables, the where clause should be dependent to a parameter that I woul like to send from my application side with "myreport.SetParameterValue("param1", "loremipsum")".

Thank you very much!


  • edited 10:46PM
    Hey hey! I solved my problem. I forgot that I set some highlighting conditions and did not adjust them! so they have been connected to the old origin table that I deleted ;-)

    best regards!

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