How to store Memo value in script
I've been using FastReport for a while now, and am somewhat surprised I have not had to do this before. I am trying to store a numerical value (integer) in a memo field via Pascal Script (code). Historically I have never had a problem capturing a value or even using it in calculations (IE reading back a value from a memo field). However I see that whenever I have done this, I have either put the value directly into the memo field (IE not via script code) such as:
[frxDB2."NS Vol In"]
or via calculation such as:
[<frxDB2."NS Vol In"> + <frxDB2."AM Vol In"> + <frxDB2."PM Vol In">]
In my script, I can read these values back, eg X := Memo1.Value + 10; however when I try to write or assign a value to the memo field (eg Memo1.Value := 10) I get told that Memo1 cannot be assigned to.
I can however write text to the field, such as Memo1.Memo.Text := '10', but if I try to read this back, I get null back (which makes sense, as I have assigned a text string, not a value to the memo field).
What am I doing wrong? Why can I assign a numerical value inside the memo field itself in the report editor, but not via Pascal script code?
I've been using FastReport for a while now, and am somewhat surprised I have not had to do this before. I am trying to store a numerical value (integer) in a memo field via Pascal Script (code). Historically I have never had a problem capturing a value or even using it in calculations (IE reading back a value from a memo field). However I see that whenever I have done this, I have either put the value directly into the memo field (IE not via script code) such as:
[frxDB2."NS Vol In"]
or via calculation such as:
[<frxDB2."NS Vol In"> + <frxDB2."AM Vol In"> + <frxDB2."PM Vol In">]
In my script, I can read these values back, eg X := Memo1.Value + 10; however when I try to write or assign a value to the memo field (eg Memo1.Value := 10) I get told that Memo1 cannot be assigned to.
I can however write text to the field, such as Memo1.Memo.Text := '10', but if I try to read this back, I get null back (which makes sense, as I have assigned a text string, not a value to the memo field).
What am I doing wrong? Why can I assign a numerical value inside the memo field itself in the report editor, but not via Pascal script code?
Thanks. I found another way which I tend to prefer, as it results in a memo actually containing a numerical value as required. IF you surround the textual value with square brackets, it then responds as a value, IE
Memo1.Memo.Text := '[25]'
X := 2 * Memo1.Value
The above results in an answer of X = 50 (and no errors). Likewise, when the report is viewed, the memo field containing [25] presents as 25 (IE brackets are not visible) which makes sense. The only caveat I have found so far is this technique does not work if I use an "on after print" event (at least that appears to be the case). IE if I do something like if Engine.FinalPass then Memo105.Memo.Text := '[25]'; will result in square brackets being visible, and the characters being treated as text as opposed to a number.