
bordeauxbordeaux Bordeaux, France
edited May 2017 in FastReport VCL 5
Hi all,

I use FastReport 5 on Delphi XE8 and I have a problem with the PDF export component.
I need to export the PDF with /encoding set to ANSI instead of Identity-H

I've tried to set Font in all MemoView or Page to "ANSI_Charset", but when I check the PDF file properties after exporting to PDF, I keep on having "Identity-H"

Can someone tell me where I can change "Identity-H" to "ANSI" please ?
I need "ANSI" because french post office need that the file is in ANSI, otherwise they cannot read the file.

Thank you in advance


  • gpigpi
    edited May 2017
    FR doesn't have such feature. Try to use PDF printer which have such feature
  • bordeauxbordeaux Bordeaux, France
    edited 7:35PM
    gpi wrote: »
    FR doesn't have such feature. Try to use PDF printer which have such feature

    Thank you gpi for your answer.
    I have tried with "Microsoft PDF Printer", I have the same result.
    The only tools I tried which gives the ANSI encoding is "PDF Creator"
    I would like to avoir using PDF printer, because it's longer, especially when I have something more then 1000 PDF to export with more than 1500 pages total.

    I read in this discussion

    that PDF 1.5 should use ANSI.
    Or may be there were a mistake ?
    PDF 1.4 uses ANSI (PDF Creator) and PDF 1.5 uses Identity-H (others) ?

    Anyway thank you for your help

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