Show pagebreak in table

Hi everybody,

I have a table with a richtext column and I would like to know wether it possible to tell from the prepared report where the page break is coming for showing it directly in the table.
That would be quite useful so that I can format the text as it should be shown when creating the report.

Best regards...



  • gpigpi
    edited 5:18AM
    Attach your report template (fr3), prepared report (fp3) and a sample what you want to get
  • edited April 2017
    Sorry did not prepare anything yet but the question is: Is there a chance to get the point where a pagebreak occurs on before print lets say and transport that back into a table inserting a row to show that a pagebreak occurs.

    That would be super useful because I do not always need to preview the report showing the pagebreak re-adjust my table to have a nice formatiing in the text preview it again, perhaps do some other adjustments preview it again... you know what I mean.

    Best regards...

  • gpigpi
    edited 5:18AM
    No, FR doesn't have such feature

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