Multiple report page loop print problem

edited April 2017 in FastReport .NET
Hello everyone! I have a problem, do not know how to achieve, look forward to everyone's help!

Each of the [OrderNo] in the data source contains three types of data for [Type] A, B, and C. Each of the three types of data is print to different report page;

I designed a report file that contains three report pages, I want to put the same [OrderNo] field in the data source [TYPE] column value is "A" print to the report page one. [Type] column value is "B" print to report page two, [Type] column value is "C" to print to the report page three, and prints all the [OrderNo] columns of the data source in the same way.

Data Source Sample:
[OrderNo] [Type]
N001   A
N001   A
N001   B
N001   B
N001   C
N001   C
N001   C
N002   A
N002   B
N002   B
N002   C
N003   A
N003   A
N003   A
N003   B
N003   B
N003   B
N003   C
N003   C

Expected printout:
P.1 Report Page 1
  N001  A
  N001  A
P.2 Report Page 2
  N001  B
  N001  B
P.3 Report Page 3
  N001  C
  N001  C
  N001  C
P.4 Report Page 1
  N002  A
P.5 Report Page 2
  N002  B
  N002  B
P.6 Report Page 3
  N002  C
P.7 Report Page 1
  N003  A
  N003  A
  N003  A
P.8 Report Page 2
  N003  B
  N003  B
  N003  B
P.9 Report Page 3
  N003  C
  N003  C

Thanks a lot! >


  • edited 10:47PM
    1. create group header #1 and the data column is [OrderNo]
    2. set group header #1 to 'start new page' and height = 0
    3. create group header #2 (below #1) and the data column is [Type]
    4. set group header #2 to 'start new page' and height = 0
    5. in data band, put textobject [OrderNo] and [Type]

    try it......
  • edited 10:47PM
    Thank you ipong

    Report Page 1/2/3 style are totally different, and it seems not to be put on one page, the above is just a simplified example.

  • edited 10:47PM
    >  hope you get the idea, actually you need just one groupheader and set the data column = [OrderNo]-[Type]
  • edited 10:47PM
    ipong wrote: »
    >  hope you get the idea, actually you need just one groupheader and set the data column = [OrderNo]-[Type]

    Okay, I'll try again, thank you!

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