Cannot Compile Programs in Delphi XE2 with 5.6

Delphi XE2 compile breaks with the following messages:
[DCC Error] fs_isysrtti.pas(97): E2034 Too many actual parameters
[DCC Error] fs_isysrtti.pas(99): E2034 Too many actual parameters
[DCC Fatal Error] fs_iinterpreter.pas(1344): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'fs_isysrtti.pas'

and the code below id the problem.

function FormatV(const Fmt: String; Args: Variant): String;
ar: TVarRecArray;
sPtrList: TList;
VariantToVarRec(Args, ar, sPtrList);
Result := Format(Fmt, ar);
ClearVarRec(ar, sPtrList);

How to Fix? Am I being stupid?


  • gpigpi
    edited 3:31AM
    It seems you still have some files from old version
    Uninstall all instances of FR, remove all FR's files and folders (see system and hidden folders too), remove all references to FR from IDE and then install FR 5.6 again

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