Simplify expressions

edited April 2014 in FastReport VCL 5
As suggestion for a next version, I would ask you to support a similar syntax for expression to the current .Net platform or other report designers.

I have been working with FastReport from the first version, selling my software to thousands of users, and all these years, the most recurrent question is always about how complex is to use expressions in Fast-Report. Of course, it is not a problem for a software developer, but it is really hard for a customer.

For example, in current Fast-Report VCL:

IFF(<dataset."FieldNum1"> > <dataset."FieldNum2">, <dataset."FieldNum1">, <dataset."FieldNum2">)

What I am asking, is to be able to write something like:

IFF( [FieldNum1] > [FieldNum2], [FieldNum1], [FieldNum2])

that it is similar syntax to many report designers, more clear and easier.

Note that I have replaced <> by [] (avoiding confusions with comparison operator <, >), also, I have removed "dataset", since in 90% of reports only use one dataset. In any case, it would be possible to do [ds.FieldNum1]. Finally I have removed "", they are not necessary.

It would be a new option, added to the current syntax, so you could use both syntax.

If it is not possible, I would ask you an event triggered before evaluating any expression, so I could convert the "new" syntax to the Fast-Report syntax, before it is processed.

Thank you


  • gpigpi
    edited 9:44PM
    Try to create report variables and assign they with dataset fields

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