Setting Database environment variables

edited January 2017 in FastReport .NET
Hi there;

I'm a few days evaluating fast report; using it with C#/MVC/ RAZOR;

I already read programmer's manual and search lot (this forum using google) ; and no results for this case;

I want to execute one stored procedure every time FastReport connect to my database (oracle);

This stored procedure will set some oracle's session variables, whose will be used at my oracle's view's layer;
so I need to pass some parameter into it, too;

Until this stored procedure is executed , my views wont return any row !

It is possible to execute a non-returning-row procedure; at the same connection used by Report's / Form's dataSets in fast report c# script? using loads events?

Fowards Thanks



  • edited January 2017
    how do you push data from database to fastreport?
  • edited January 2017
    ipong wrote: »
    how do you push data from database to fastreport?


    my sql's are always like

    Select *
    from someView

    I would like to use FastReport embedded connection and FastReport Queries;

    As much as fastReport inheritances capabilites
  • edited 8:08AM
    there are two queries, one for report and one for authentication, if authenticated, you can pass parameter to fastreport
  • edited January 2017
    Maybe I missunderstood or I'm not making myself clear;

    Procedure that must be executed before returning any rows from database view layer;
    this procedure does not return any row it is just for setting oracle session variables;

    So, I must to be sure that all times FastReport connect it execute my "set_active_user";

    app_core.set_active_user('DomainName\Username'); <<-- parameter here

    Passing parameters it's ok, I almost do it;
    By the way, I can use

    System.Environment.UserDomainName ;

    Sql Queries are all against my database view's always ( select * from someView );

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