Bugs report

edited 10:40PM in FastReport 3.0
I've found 2 bugs on FastReport

If you have only a header band on a page and send a preview, the application crashes. In my case I had only a header and a masterdata band and its crashed.

In the report editor, if you select multiple controls (ex : TfrxMemoView) and change the properties (ex : DisplayFormat or Frame lines) , the properties of the first selected control is changed but not the others.

I've also an other problem (but not a bug).
Ive a header, a masterdata and a footer band. I would be able to have the footer band at each end of page , the same as the ReprintOnNewPage property of the header band...

best regards


  • edited 10:40PM
    1) fixed
    2) works well for me (there is no Frame property when you select several objects)
    3) use page footer instead of master footer.
  • edited 10:40PM
    2) select 2 TfrxMemoView and double-clic the DisplayFormat property and change the format (float format for exemple). Only th first control have its property correctly changed.

    3)In tour suggestion, if my report has 2 pages and a half, it would be correct on the 2 first pages, but in the last one the page footer will not be just at the end of the last record...it will be at the end of page...
    do you see what I mean?
  • edited 10:40PM
    3) use column footer in this case.
  • edited 10:40PM
    The column footer is also printed at the end of the page ...
    I would have expected a special property in the group footer band like "PrintOnEachPage"

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