Calculated Columns - Can I Declare Variables in Expressions


Is it possible to declare ans use a variable in the expression of a calculated column?

Idea was something like:
Dim StockPrev as Integer;
II(StockPrev<[EXIST.STKREAL] or StockPrev<0),[EXIST.STKMIN]-StockPrev,0)

What i want to return is the result of IIF; but I would like to use variables to make several calculations before.



  • edited 7:33AM
    read FRNetUserManual-en.pdf, script section and example, is that what you wanted?
  • edited 7:33AM
    ipong wrote: »
    read FRNetUserManual-en.pdf, script section and example, is that what you wanted?

    Not exactly: in this case I was looking at the possibility to do this at the data source level, in the expression of a Calculated Column.

    I can create a calculated Column named StkPrev, and assign the expression as:

    What I would like to know if I can declare and use variables at this level, or if the use of variables is reserved to the script level.

  • edited October 2016
    There are two methods for calculated columns :

    1. in textobject, the formula is enclosed by square brackets, create expression like this :


    2. use script, more flexible, with c# you can code anything :
    namespace FastReport
      public class ReportScript
        private decimal StkPrev;
        private void Data1_BeforePrint(object sender, EventArgs e)
          StkPrev = (Decimal)Report.GetColumnValue("EXIST.STKREAL") + (Decimal)Report.GetColumnValue("EXIST.QTDENCFOR") - (Decimal)Report.GetColumnValue("EXIST.QTDENCCLI");

    then create textobject with expression [StkPrev] , variable StkPrev in script can be used as an expression in textobject.

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