Adding Bitmap column to the report results in exception

edited 10:13AM in FastReport .NET

I need to put images into the Report.

This is how I add my data to the report.
   DataSet set = new DataSet("Analysis");
   DataTable table = new DataTable("Prescription");
   table.Columns.Add("Dosage", typeof(int));
   table.Columns.Add("Drug", typeof(string));
   table.Columns.Add("Patient", typeof(string));
   table.Columns.Add("Date", typeof(DateTime));
   table.Columns.Add("Image", typeof(Bitmap));

   table.Rows.Add(25, "Indocin", "David", DateTime.Now, BitmapFromBitmapSource(analysis.Containers[0].Picture.bitmap));

All seems to work fine, but on Report preview I get the following exception:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException (0x80004005): A generic error occurred in GDI+.
   at System.Drawing.Image.Save(Stream stream, ImageCodecInfo encoder, EncoderParameters encoderParams)
   at System.Drawing.Image.Save(Stream stream, ImageFormat format)
   at LJq97BqNfhDBrWDL44.Bs6RPQ9dnFvpdU2SVr.F2coevif0(Image  , Stream  , ImageFormat  )
   at FastReport.PictureObject.Serialize(FRWriter writer)
   at FastReport.Utils.FRWriter.Write(IFRSerializable obj, Object diff)
   at FastReport.Utils.FRWriter.Write(IFRSerializable obj)
   at iMpcT7FWOi3nF4dvsFN.pKH0WXF7BLDue8VV6KZ.T7E2zBtlqvC(Base  , XmlItem  )
   at iMpcT7FWOi3nF4dvsFN.pKH0WXF7BLDue8VV6KZ.T7E2zBtlqvC(Base  , XmlItem  )
   at iMpcT7FWOi3nF4dvsFN.pKH0WXF7BLDue8VV6KZ.pxd2zHoEBq6(BandBase  )
   at FastReport.Preview.PreparedPages.AddBand(BandBase band)
   at FastReport.Engine.ReportEngine.rZK7T5KYOI(BandBase  )
   at FastReport.Engine.ReportEngine.mGs7YnYVbf(BandBase  , Boolean  )
   at FastReport.Engine.ReportEngine.J7377McmnA(BandBase  , Boolean  )
   at FastReport.Engine.ReportEngine.ShowBand(BandBase band)
   at FastReport.Engine.ReportEngine.hjo7uwpM11(DataBand  , Int32  )
   at FastReport.Engine.ReportEngine.MFT7b1SYnC(DataBand  , Int32  , Boolean  , Boolean  )
   at FastReport.Engine.ReportEngine.Vkw7nxWo1t(DataBand  )
   at FastReport.Engine.ReportEngine.R7y9xGnb5S(BandCollection  )
   at FastReport.Engine.ReportEngine.Sgd9IAJfco(ReportPage  )
   at FastReport.Engine.ReportEngine.eo692vGe00()
   at FastReport.Engine.ReportEngine.f747QvKEgI(ReportPage  )
   at FastReport.Engine.ReportEngine.Gd676X6KgR(Boolean  , Boolean  , Boolean  , ReportPage  )
   at FastReport.Engine.ReportEngine.Crh7BGcFCI(Boolean  , Boolean  , Boolean  )
   at FastReport.Report.Prepare(Boolean append)
   at FastReport.Report.Prepare()
   at Dmp1CFjdpWXGsfSJaxN.fKVqNSjHKkBKo69fyXb.DxUIa7IWsVw()
Oddly if I leave the error message open and switch a few times through my windows I can see the image on the designer. On closing the error window it vanishes.

I am using the FastReport .net Demo.

Thank you for your help,


  • edited 10:13AM
    To display picture programmatically, i tried this code below (and success)

    in your .net :
    using (DataTable dt = new DataTable())
        dt.TableName = "MainReport";
        byte[] yourpic = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"D:\gl2016_csharp\gl\Resources\yourpic.png");
        dt.Columns.Add("Test", System.Type.GetType("System.Byte[]"));
        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            row[10] = yourpic;
        FastReport.Report report = new FastReport.Report();
        using (System.IO.Stream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(GL.Properties.Resources.rptCOA))
        report.RegisterData(dt, dt.TableName);
        PreviewControl1.AddTab(report, report.FileName);

    in frx file :
        <TableDataSource Name="MainReport" ReferenceName="MainReport" DataType="System.Int32" Enabled="true">
          <Column Name="Acc0Urut" DataType="System.Int32"/>
          <Column Name="Acc0Code" DataType="System.String"/>
          <Column Name="Acc1Urut" DataType="System.Int32"/>
          <Column Name="Acc1Code" DataType="System.String"/>
          <Column Name="Acc2Urut" DataType="System.Int32"/>
          <Column Name="Acc2Code" DataType="System.String"/>
          <Column Name="Acc3Code" DataType="System.String"/>
          <Column Name="Acc3Name" DataType="System.String"/>
          <Column Name="Acc3FC" DataType="System.Boolean"/>
          <Column Name="Acc3Blc" DataType="System.Boolean"/>
          <Column Name="Test" DataType="System.Byte[]"/>

    in frx file, databand :
    <PictureObject Name="Picture1" Left="22.68" Top="-3.78" Width="75.6" Height="75.6" SizeMode="Normal" DataColumn="MainReport.Test"/>
  • edited 10:13AM
    This works! Thank you very much!

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