MaxMemSize property


Just a question about the MaxMemSize property: the default value is actually 10000000 for a newly created report and not 10 as it is described in the manual !

Where is the error, in the manual or in the code?

This is an excerpt from the Fast Report 3.0 Manual:

property MaxMemSize: Integer default 10;
The maximum size of memory in Mbytes, allocated to the report pages??? cache. It becomes
useful in cases when the ???UseFileCashe??? property is equal to ???True.??? If a report begins to
occupy more memory during construction, caching of the constructed report pages into a
temporary file is performed. This property is inexact and allows only approximate
determination of the memory limit.



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 8:43PM
    there is no error in either
    read carefully
    property MaxMemSize: Integer default 10;
    The maximum size of memory in Mbytes

    10 mbytes = 10000000

  • edited 8:43PM
    property MaxMemSize: Integer default 10;

    This means that I should see in BCB's Object Inspector the default value of MaxMemSize = 10 and not 10000000, is that correct?

    Anyway, I use FR3 as report engine in my application server, and if I don't change the default value for MaxMemSize from 10000000 (yes, in BCB's Object Inspector the default value is 10000000 and not 10 !) to 10, after about 50000 of generated reports the entire memory available on that machine gets allocated by my application server and it is not possible to run any other application on that machine.
  • edited 8:43PM
    There was an error in the
    constructor TfrxEngineOptions.Create
    should be 10.

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