How to print many pages that I can enter

Hi Everyone, I have a problem to ask. I want to print a report that I can enter a number.
If I enter 2, and print 2 pages report the same.
If I enter 3, and print 3 pages report the same.
I use Maskedtextbox in dialog and it can enter number.
the information is in database , and I use SQL command to select data.
I post a part of code like below:

namespace FastReport
public class ReportScript

private void Page1_StartPage(object sender, EventArgs e)

int count ;
count = Convert.ToInt32(MaskedTextBox1.Text);
count = int.Parse(MaskedTextBox1.Text);
int yy,mm,dd;
string cyy,cmm,cdd,str;

TableDataSource HDS = Report.GetDataSource("HDS") as TableDataSource;
str = "declare @i varchar(10) "+
"set @i= "+count+
" while(@i>;0) "+
" begin "+
"SELECT a.*,b.* from t_ordhad as a "+
"left join t_orddel as b on a.shtno = b.shtno "+
"where a.shtno = "+Report.GetColumnValue("HDS.shtno").ToString().Trim();
str = str+ " set @i=@i-1 end";
HDS.SelectCommand = str;

but it can't run. Is there any parameter or function I can change the page count?
Thanks a lot!


  • DesignsbyrayDesignsbyray Ohio, USA
    edited 6:43PM
    I don't see where you are calling the report from the code you have posted. The report has a property you can set called: PrintSettings.Copies which takes a int. I think this may help you do what you want.

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