Modify content of Memo-field via BeforePrintEvent
The Netherlands
I want to modify the content of a Memo-field, this memofield gets a number of seconds from a database and I want to change this in a regular time form instead of seconds.
I did the same trick with a cell in an DBCross object, and there it works fine, but this option doesn't work in a Memofield. Problem is the Object I get passed in my function. In the DBCross OnPrintCell event there is a TfrxMemoView Memo passed by, from which I can change the text via Memo.Text = ...
However, the beforePrint event from the regular memofield only has a parameter TfrxComponent Sender, which doesn't have any property like Text or Value which I can't change.
Does anybody has a solution for this 'simple' problem?
I want to modify the content of a Memo-field, this memofield gets a number of seconds from a database and I want to change this in a regular time form instead of seconds.
I did the same trick with a cell in an DBCross object, and there it works fine, but this option doesn't work in a Memofield. Problem is the Object I get passed in my function. In the DBCross OnPrintCell event there is a TfrxMemoView Memo passed by, from which I can change the text via Memo.Text = ...
However, the beforePrint event from the regular memofield only has a parameter TfrxComponent Sender, which doesn't have any property like Text or Value which I can't change.
Does anybody has a solution for this 'simple' problem?