Adding rows and columns to report in code

Im not sure what im doing wrong. Im trying to add rows from C# code (in Visual studio) to my table, but it doenst show anything:
FastReport.Report newrep = new FastReport.Report();
 FastReport.Table.TableObject Table1 = (FastReport.Table.TableObject)newrep.FindObject("Table1");
then in loop:
for (.....){
                                       tc.Text = item.nazwaDluga;

                                        tc = new FastReport.Table.TableCell();
                                        tc.Text = item.ilosc.ToString();

Can anyone help? >


  • edited 10:45PM
    Ok, it works now. Dont know why, but font was white...
    Now can anyone help me with creating custom table?
    I need something like:

    but all i can create is just 2 columns, cant set that row 0 columns count = 2, row 1 columns count = 1.
  • edited 10:45PM
    nevermind, got it.
  • JasonColeyNZJasonColeyNZ New Zealand
    edited 10:45PM
    Can you please provide some code here on how to add columns to a table object, I can't seem to get this working, I get Fill cannot be null errors?

    I am using the latest .NET build and C#


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