240 times repeat

adeheeradeheer The Netherlands
edited 2:44AM in FastReport 4.0

I've got a record set of 18 from 6 different customers. The layout is for invoice's
When I do a preview it's counting 1440 pages. After the first 6 its's repeating itself 240 times.

What do I mis here??


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 2:44AM
    sincw you did not post your .fr3 file can't say for sure but
    you probably have the tfrxreport component connected to a data set
  • adeheeradeheer The Netherlands
    edited 2:44AM
    It's connected to a frxDBDataset. Is that wrong?
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 2:44AM
    it could be it depends upon the type of report you ate ctrating
    a multi design page report you connect the report componrnt to a data set to tell it the number of times to run
    in most others you connect the dataset to a masterdata band, detail, and so on.
    look at the reports in the main demo yo see how they are connected to data
  • adeheeradeheer The Netherlands
    edited 2:44AM
    TfrxReport.Dataset := Nil; did the trick.

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