EOSerror, Invalid window handle with Delphi TActiveformX application.

al_nolandal_noland Tulsa, Oklahoma
edited 5:49AM in FastReport 4.0
I have an Delphi Activex form application that opens a tForm that generates a report. All of the fastreport preview and generation works fine. However, when I exit the ActiveX form and close internet explorer, I get an error.

Exception EOSError in module webris.ocx at 00014149
System Error. Code 1400.
Invalid window handle.

I'm running D2007 with fast report 4_11.

If I don't open the form with the fast report preview I can exit the application just fine.

Are there any know issues with using fast report preview in a TActiveFormx application?



  • al_nolandal_noland Tulsa, Oklahoma
    edited 5:49AM
    I have updated my environment to Fast Reports 5.3.1 and I am still getting the error when closing the browser after using an .ocx that contains a reference to fast reports.

    Can someone please comment with a possible cause/solution.

  • al_nolandal_noland Tulsa, Oklahoma
    edited 5:49AM
    I have narrowed the issue down to a report that contains a TfrxRichView component within the report.

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