hide memo view or band if there is no data

I have this report (attached) that have a some fields to print and a blob field to store text. The blob filed can have 7 lines of text or nothing so I need to not print any space if that blob field is empty. How I can do that ?

the memo name that I want to hide is "Memo16"


  • edited 6:34AM
    any replay please
  • edited 6:34AM
  • edited 6:34AM
    Report. FindObject (' Memo16').Visible: = False;
  • edited 6:34AM
    baloghi wrote: »
    Report. FindObject (' Memo16').Visible: = False;

    Thanks baloghi
  • LurkingKiwiLurkingKiwi Wellington, New Zealand
    edited 6:34AM
    Maybe this is too obvious, but it seems the best way is an OnBeforePrint handler in the script for the MasterData band, something like

    procedure xxBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
    NorthSouthChild.Visible := <NorthSouth> <> '';

    where NorthSouthChild is a child band, and (in this case) <NorthSouth> is a variable but it could be a field. This is real code but not tested with the scenario you describe.
  • edited 6:34AM
    Thanks LurkingKiwi

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