[Help] frxReport1.ShowReport doesn't change memo text
hello.. really need help here..
i have a code to string replace Memo1
Memo1 := frxReport1.FindObject('Memo1') as TfrxMemoView;
Memo1.Text := StringReplace(Memo1.Text, '%address%', edit1.Text, [rfReplaceAll]);
if i click button for the 1st time this code work perfectly.
but after i close print preview, and then change my edit1.text with another text then i click the button again
memo1.text doesn't change its still showed previous report view...
any advice would be appreciate..
thank you.
i have a code to string replace Memo1
Memo1 := frxReport1.FindObject('Memo1') as TfrxMemoView;
Memo1.Text := StringReplace(Memo1.Text, '%address%', edit1.Text, [rfReplaceAll]);
if i click button for the 1st time this code work perfectly.
but after i close print preview, and then change my edit1.text with another text then i click the button again
memo1.text doesn't change its still showed previous report view...
any advice would be appreciate..
thank you.
Memo1.Text := whatever;
does not work no matter whether whatever is a variable or a literal string.
OK, one has to remove any refernce in the field. IOW, the field has to be blank if one wants to assign something in code.