Band "header" on left edge, and "footer" on right edge

edited November 2014 in FastReport 4.0
I'm using FR 4 for the first time. I'd like my multi-column band to have something equivalent to a "header" on the left edge, and a "footer" on the right edge.

My report has a TfrxSubdetailData divided into 4 columns. This particular section should appear as a mini-table. That is, to the left of that band, there should be some "row labels" -- labels that apply to all four columns. And to the right, the there should be row suffixes -- effectively, additional row labels.

For example, this section should have a layout something like,
                  Northbound  Southbound  Eastbound  Westbound
Through Volume:       540         620        380        407     vehicles/hour
Left-turn Volume:      79          45         51         63     vehicles/hour
Right-turn Volume:     38          82         54         61     vehicles/hour

What is the best way to do this?

If it makes a difference, not all rows in this mini-table will have the same type of data. That is, a few rows will show the "volumes" measured in vehicles/hour (as shown in the above example), while other rows will show the number of lanes, the lane widths, etc.

Using a multi-column band has worked out very nicely for me for populating the contents of the mini-table, but I haven't figured out how to add row labels. I understand that FR supports cross-tab reports, and these would seem to be better suited for this purpose, but most of my report is not a table -- just this one subdetail data band (and one other that I'll create next).


  • edited 3:42PM
    Any way to adjust the horizontal position and width of a band? Each time I set the Left and/or Width of the band in the Designer, they soon get reverted to 0 and full width.

    For my purposes, it would suffice to simply put extra data bands to the left and to the right of my existing band.
  • edited 3:42PM
                      Northbound  Southbound  Eastbound  Westbound
    Through Volume:       540         620        380        407     vehicles/hour
    Left-turn Volume:      79          45         51         63     vehicles/hour
    Right-turn Volume:     38          82         54         61     vehicles/hour

    A workaround has given me acceptable results. I added two additional columns to my multi-column band, and for the Memo of the TfrxMemoView on each row, I coded a script to print a column-dependent value. So the first column prints a row label, the last column prints the units, and the interior columns print the data. A typical script looks something like
    [IIF(<ApproachDataSet."ApproachDirection"> = -1, 
        'Through Volume:',
        IIF(<ApproachDataSet."ApproachDirection"> > 3, 

    It's a shade more cumbersome than I'd hoped, and it doesn't allow different widths for the data columns compared to the "header" or "footer" columns, but the result generally satisfies my needs.

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