I guess FastReport.Net has a memory leak!

Dear all,
I use FastReport.Net 2014.2 (standard) in my program.
my development environment is VS2013 , .NET 4.0 and Windows 7 professional.

I use ANTS Memory Profiler to help me find out memory leak in my program.
I find It will load a dll file into CLR Static assembiles when the program print out the report every time.
In order to reduce my program caused a memory leak, so, I used ANTS Memory Profiler to check FastReport.Net Demo.exe.
I find same issue in here.

Step1: setting up a Profiling Session:


  • edited 1:15AM
    Please FastReport guys, answer to to sportscar, i'm detecting this problem too. I've a service that generates a huge amount of report and it needs to be up 24h/24h. After a day the memory footprint becomes very high. Using a profiler it seems the problem is related to fastreport. I've tried even with the latest version without success, the memory continues to grow. I'm calling each dispose correctly. The export part is commented and if i comment the "Prepare" method the memory leak disappears. Inside reports i removed the code behind part to be sure that is was not something inside the report.
    Please, give us a feedback.
    Thank you,
  • edited 1:15AM
    Some problem here. Help pls.

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