CSV Export

edited 2:00AM in FastReport VCL 5
Hi All ,

This is probably really simple , I have 3 pages on a Report , First two are for general viewing by the user a Summary and then all the raw data , The third is a CSV export of the Master Data , I pass a parameter in the report string eg (Warehouse\BMS-Customer-Revenue.fr3&rCompID=%s&rCustCode=%s&rWkEnd=%s&rState=%s&rCSV=%s) Where rCSV = 1 to hide the pages not required ( IS this correct ?)

ON the procedure frxReportOnStartReport(Sender: TfrxComponent); I do the below;

if <rCSV> = 1 then
SummPage.Visible := false;
DetailPage.Visible := false;
csvData.visible := true;
SummPage.Visible := true;
DetailPage.Visible := true;
csvData.visible := false;

I also set the following ( Delphi 2009)

if PrepareReport then
DataForm.frxCSVExport.DefaultPath := 'C:\Temp\' ;
DataForm.frxCSVExport.FileName := 'csvtest.csv';
DataForm.frxCSVExport.Separator := ',';
DataForm.frxCSVExport.ForcedQuotes := true;
DataForm.frxCSVExport.ShowDialog := false;
DataForm.frxCSVExport.ShowProgress := true;
DataForm.frxCSVExport.ExportNotPrintable := false;

The resultant file that is exported has an excess of Separators ? I have all the fileds aligned to baLeft and Autosize set to true , also clipped - any suggestions would be appreciated

"Depot",,"DGL Ref",,"Cust-Ref",,,,,,"Product",,"Service",,"Description",,,,,,,,,,,,"Qty",,,,"Amount",,,,,"GST",,,,,,,,,,,,,
"EAG","10930",,"30/06/2014 PD",,,,,,,,,"10768",,,,"006.D",,,,,,,,"DOCKET ADMIN FEE",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1",,,,,"6.04",,,,,,,,,,,"0.604",,,,,,,
"EAG","10930",,"30/06/2014 PD",,,,,,,,,"MIN CHARGE",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JOBMIN",,,"MINIMUM JOB FEE",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1",,,"13.17",,,,,,,"1.317",,,
"EAG","10930",,"30/06/2014 PD",,,,,,,,,"10768",,,,"002",,,,,"HANDLING OUT",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1",,,,,"3.71",,,,,,,,,,,"0.371",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"EAG","11003",,"S 12983",,,,,"MIN CHARGE",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JOBMIN",,,"MINIMUM JOB FEE",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1",,,"13.17",,,,,,,"1.317",,,
"EAG","11003",,"S 12983",,,,,"789/300",,,,,"001",,,,,,"HANDLING IN",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1",,,,,"3.71",,,,,,,,,,,,"0.371",,,,,,,,,,,,,
"EAG","11008",,"WA 23696",,,,,,"MIN CHARGE",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"JOBMIN",,,"MINIMUM JOB FEE",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1",,,"9.46",,,,,"0.946",,,


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 2:00AM
    have you read the user manual chapter on report design considerations?
    misalignment between objects vertical or horizontal can cause many extra commas to be inserted
  • edited 2:00AM
    Thanks Gordk

    Yes read the manual and understand the alignment was critical , it is pretty touchy however , I did resolve the issue in a slightly different manor that will sort out the file regardless of the report that passes the "csv" data and got the result I needed

    Again thanks for the assist >

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