Where di OnProgress go?

edited 10:22AM in FastReport 3.0

I have been putting some efforts into upgrading from 2.5x to 3.02. Where did the excellent TfrReport.OnProgress event go? I can find similar things in the source but it's protected and I don't feel the idea is for me to start messing around with it.

I'd also have to be able to check if execution returned from PrepareReport or Print because of a Cancel/Terminate call.

Some pointers on how to handle FMessagePanel when having a custom preview window (MDI) is appreciated.

Thanks a lot and my appologies for initially posting this in the wrong group,



  • edited 10:22AM
    I found out that I can achieve a similar behaviour by using the OnAfterPrint event of TfrxReport. That generates a lot of events, so being able to use the same way of handling long reports as the built in preview window is still preferrable.

    It is absolutely great that you can do a ShowPreparedReport once, then reprepare and reprepare. But... Also a "ContinuePrepareReport" call would be great. The PrepareReport would be aborted by a call to frxPreview1.Cancel, then one could call it to "complete" the report. Today, I'd have to "pause" the report wich will be tricky. Another way of doing it is to have PrepareReport call that only builds one page at a time as the user views it and navigates ahead with Next or but assigning PageNo. Havent seen what will happen with a doublepass report yet, though.

    Ability to check if a report has been aborted exists in PreviewPages.Aborted, very good.

    Also it is very sad that TfrxPreview does not gain focus the normal way. If you have other controls in the form you'll have to make sure to call SetFocus of the TfrxPreview in numerous palces to make keys and scroll work as expected (havent yet tried it with Outline active).

    I'm looking forward to having a discussion about theese things with FR Crew.


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