Change color of dbfield

edited 8:38AM in FastReport 4.0

I am new to Fastreports.

How do I change the colour of a dbfield on a report according to more than one condition. I know I can use highlighting. But that caters only for one condition.



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 8:38AM
    write code in the obp event of the memoview or the band containing the memoview.
  • edited 8:38AM
    Thank you for replying.

    As I said I am a newbie. So what you replied makes no sense to me. Can you pls explain.
  • gpigpi
    edited 8:38AM
    procedure Memo1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
      if <YourDatasetName."YourFieldName"> > 1000 then Memo1.Color := clRed;                                                                                     
  • edited May 2014
    I am using version 4.13.2. And it is an Embarcadero version on XE4.

    It does not have any event handlers. So can not use events on the report components. Only have events on the report it self, like onbeforeprint etc.
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 8:38AM
    yes the embarcedero version is limited
  • edited 8:38AM
    So any other way I can do it. I have the following code in my onbeforeprint:
    if MatchStr(sender.Name,['dsPairedTTestCONS1','dsPairedTTestCONS2','dsPairedTTestCONS3','dsPairedTTestCONS4','dsPairedTTestCONS5']) then
             if TFrxMemoView(sender).value = 'HS' then TFrxMemoView(sender).Font.Color := clred
        else if TFrxMemoView(sender).value = 'PS' then TFrxMemoView(sender).Font.Color := clblue
        else if TFrxMemoView(sender).value = 'NS' then TFrxMemoView(sender).Font.Color := clblack
        else                                           TFrxMemoView(sender).Font.Color := clblack;
        if  TFrxMemoView(sender).value = 'HS' then
          TFrxMemoView(sender).Font.Style := [fsBold]
        else if TFrxMemoView(sender).value = 'PS' then
          TFrxMemoView(sender).Font.Style := [fsBold]
        else if TFrxMemoView(sender).value = 'NS' then
          TFrxMemoView(sender).Font.Style := []
          TFrxMemoView(sender).Font.Style := [];

    But this results in changing the next row's color ??!!

  • gpigpi
    edited 8:38AM
    You can't get TFrxMemoView(sender).value in TfrxReport.OnBeforePrint event, try to use frxReport1.Calc(TFrxMemoView(sender).Text)
  • edited 8:38AM
    I get the following error if I change my code to frxReport1.Calc(TFrxMemoView(sender).Text). Please see file attached for error.

  • edited 8:38AM
    Bumping this post up.

    Anybody able to help me?
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 8:38AM
    Karen read this topic it may help you understand what is required
  • gpigpi
    edited 8:38AM
    replace [,] with <,> in the expression

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