FastReport and (x)harbour

Hi I am new with FastReport but I already love it!
Using 4.12.1 version

My problem seems to be simple but it bothers me a lot:
cCompanyName := ALLTRIM(vcompany->TITLE)
private m_fr := frreportmanager():new()
// x = ALIAS()
// n = SELECT() 
 m_fr:SetWorkArea(x,n)    //"xreport", n)
    // Now to define which FIELDS we want to show on the report


    m_fr:AddVariable( "MyVars", "CoName",  " ' cCompanyName ' "  )
     //m_fr:AddVariable( "MyVars", "CoName",  '"cCompanyName"'  )
    //m_fr:AddVariable( "MyVars", "CoName",  "'" + cCompanyName +"'"  )

    return nil

No "Addvariable()" function call yields the result
When the previev of the report loads, I can see the variable "CoName" in section "MyVars" and I can drag it an drop into the report
But when I run the preview of the report, the following dialog error shows:

"the following error(s) has occured:
CoName: Error in expression "BROKEN YOLK CAFFEE":";" expected


  • edited 8:58AM
    I found the solutiion

    The syntax for string is

    m_fr:AddVariable( "MyVars", "CoName", (cCompanyName +CRLF) )

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