FR4 frxReportBeforePrint HighLighting, Manual highlighting of a certain condition
I attempted to highlight values.
But result is shifted for one row.
I use FR4 embedded in Delphi XE4.
This only result in the following row being red or blue.
I tried the frxReport.Calc(TfrxMemoView(Sender).Text)) it also doesn't work.
I must add that the frxMemoView shows the value of a frxdbDataset.
Please help. It is driving me crazy!!
I attempted to highlight values.
But result is shifted for one row.
I use FR4 embedded in Delphi XE4.
procedure TrepRankTTest.frxRankTTestBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxReportComponent);
if sender.Name = 'dsPairedTTestGIBB' then
if TFrxMemoView(sender).value) = 'HS' then
TFrxMemoView(sender).Font.Color := clred
else if TFrxMemoView(sender).value) = 'PS' then
TFrxMemoView(sender).Font.Color := clblue
else if TFrxMemoView(sender).value) = 'NS' then
TFrxMemoView(sender).Font.Color := clblack
TFrxMemoView(sender).Font.Color := clblack;
This only result in the following row being red or blue.
I tried the frxReport.Calc(TfrxMemoView(Sender).Text)) it also doesn't work.
I must add that the frxMemoView shows the value of a frxdbDataset.
Please help. It is driving me crazy!!