In delphi Code to use FastReport Aggregate functions
Is it possible to add aggregate funtions from code.
I created report partialy in designer then access its
components in delphi to like so:
But have anyone any experiance with adding agregate functions to TfrxMemoView?
Is it possible to add aggregate funtions from code.
I created report partialy in designer then access its
components in delphi to like so:
But have anyone any experiance with adding agregate functions to TfrxMemoView?
MasterData : TfrxMasterData;
  Memo: TfrxMemoView;
  with UserSession do
  MasterData:= frxReport.FindObject('MasterData') as TfrxMasterData;
  MasterData.DataSet := frxDBDataSet;
  FDQueryReport.SQL.Text:='SELECT * FROM ....
  memo:= frxReport.FindObject('MemoData') as TfrxMemoView;
  Memo.DataSet := frxDBDataSet;
  Memo.DataField := 'nr_motorja';  // DB field