problems with D7 demo

edited 2:17AM in FastCube

I??ve instaled fastcube demo for D7. when I try to compile demo I get this erro:
[Fatal Error] Unit1.pas(7): Unit fcxSliceGrid was compiled with a different version of fcxMeasureEditor.TfcxMeasureEditorForm

and when I try to open advence demo i get this error:
class TfcxChar not found



  • edited 2:17AM

    Unit1.pas(7): Unit fcxSliceGrid was compiled with a different version of fcxMeasureEditor.TfcxMeasureEditorForm
    You have modified fcxMeasureEditor.dfm.
    -Uninstall FastCube 2
    -Delete FastCube 2 install folder
    -Install FastCube 2

    class TfcxChar not found
    Use Recompile Wizard for FastCube 2 (recompile.exe) to compile and to install addon packages.

    Best regards,
    Oleg Pryalkov.
  • edited December 2013
    wrote: »

    1. You have modified fcxMeasureEditor.dfm.
    -Uninstall FastCube 2
    -Delete FastCube 2 install folder
    -Install FastCube 2

    2. Use Recompile Wizard for FastCube 2 (recompile.exe) to compile and to install addon packages.

    Best regards,
    Oleg Pryalkov.


    1.- I try it and the problem goes on. I have installed fastcube in other computer and the problem goes on.
    2.- I have recompiled and now I can open demo but when I try to compile I get the same error that simple demo
    [Fatal Error] fcxpComponents.pas(21): Unit fcxSliceGrid was compiled with a different version of fcxMeasureEditor.TfcxMeasureEditorForm

  • edited 2:17AM
    Please search all files fcxSliceGrid.dcu and fcxMeasureEditor.* (pas, dcu, dfm ...) in your system, write me folder with this files and send me files to mail.
    My mail see in private.

    Best regards,
    Oleg Pryalkov.
  • edited 2:17AM
    I a zip

    thanks 113.7K
  • edited 2:17AM
    What version (build) Delphi 7 are you use?
  • edited December 2013
  • edited 2:17AM
    You need to update Delphi 7.
    Last build is 8.1.
    Or use FastCube 2 Pro (with sources)

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