Problem with EAN13 barcodes

edited February 2012 in FastReport 4.0
Hello everybody.

I'm printing barcodes, all right, but, I'm having a problem with EAN13 codes. Don't read, in barcode scanner. The FastReport's example do not read too.

Help me, please.

Andr?© Rosa @ Brazil.


  • edited 3:07AM
    ...and I changed the "checksum" property with TRUE.
  • edited 3:07AM
    You can try another way to read EAN13 barcode in .NET library.

    Just copy the following C# to your project, and make sure where the ean13 you need to decode locates.

    BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Linear barcode = new Linear();
    barcode.Symbology = Symbology.EAN13;
    barcode.Code = "000123456789";

    Bitmap bmp = barcode.drawBarcodeOnBitmap();

    //string[] barcodes = BarCodeReader.scanBarCode(bmp, BusinessRefinery.Barcodes.Reader.BarCodeType.EAN13);
    string[] barcodes = BarCodeReader.scanBarCode("c://qr.jpg", BusinessRefinery.Barcodes.Reader.BarCodeType.EAN13);
  • edited 3:07AM
    andrezc wrote: »
    Hello everybody.

    I'm printing barcodes, all right, but, I'm having a problem with EAN13 codes. Don't read, in barcode scanner. The FastReport's example do not read too.

    Help me, please.

    Andr?© Rosa @ Brazil.
    Can you tell me more specific about your barcode creation and barcode reading? Such as what kind of barcode generator did you use and what kind of barcode scanner did you use? You said the FastReport's example do not read, either. So were creating barcode in a report and want to read it? I do not know wich report were you creating barcode in. If you were creating barcode in Crystal Reports, you may take a look at this passage and compare with yours. If it still does not work. Try another barcode generator. As for barcode reader, you can use a .NET barcode reader.
  • edited 3:07AM
    You can try another way to read EAN13 barcode in .NET library. Just copy the following C# to your project, and make sure where the ean13 you need to decode locates. BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Linear barcode = new Linear(); barcode.Symbology = Symbology.EAN13; barcode.Code = "000123456789"; Bitmap bmp = barcode.drawBarcodeOnBitmap(); barcode.drawBarcode2ImageFile("c://aaa.png"); //string[] barcodes = BarCodeReader.scanBarCode(bmp, BusinessRefinery.Barcodes.Reader.BarCodeType.EAN13); string[] barcodes = BarCodeReader.scanBarCode("c://qr.jpg", BusinessRefinery.Barcodes.Reader.BarCodeType.EAN13);
    do you have a test? can it run in a right way by doing so?
  • edited 3:07AM
    You sure everything is right with the configuration of EAN 13 reader? Perhaps you can try to generate new barcode with different tools to see where the problem lies. Might be the reader or the EAN 13 generator.
  • edited 3:07AM
    Try scanning it with a barcode app on a smartphone or upload of image of one of your EAN13 codes here and we can have a look at it.
    I have 4 different barcode scanners here I could try.

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