Label printing

I need to print labels on paper that has two columns and 20 label per sheet. I need to set start position at specific row and repeat printing some labels according to another field value.

For example If have for the second row field "Quantity = 3" I need to repeat this row 3 times

If there is a demo can do this please give me a link



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 6:57AM
    i posted one a long time ago in the fastreport binaries news group
    if you cant find it let me know and ill send it to you.
  • edited 6:57AM
    Yes please gordk send me a link.
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 6:57AM
    it was produced in fr4.0.16
    and the included delphi form and unit from d2006
    everything is now totally in the report.

  • edited October 2013
    Many Thanks. So the main idea is not to assign masterdata band to any data source but iterate through the table manually. Is not there any method to make the band repeat same label again in the next report row before the band move to next record (even from Delphi) ?

    Also I dont understand why we delete memo components here:
    procedure Memo1OnAfterData(Sender: TfrxComponent);
      var j,d: integer;
      lc:= tfrxmemoview(sender).lines.count;
      for d := lc -1 downto 0 do
       if TfrxMemoView(Sender).Lines.Strings[d] = '' then
  • edited 6:57AM
    welliam wrote: »
    Many Thanks. So the main idea is not to assign masterdata band to any data source but iterate through the table manually. Is not there any method to make the band repeat same label again in the next report row before the band move to next record (even from Delphi) ?

    Also I dont understand why we delete memo components here:
    One way of doing it is to populate a temporary table with data and use that as the source for the report.

    The deletion code removes blank lines.
  • edited October 2013
    One way of doing it is to populate a temporary table with data and use that as the source for the report.
    Thanks but Iwould rather prefer to use the first example that iterate through the dataset. I am using external Query component (connected to FireBird) as the dataset so is there a way to use "NEXT" and "FIRST" from inside the report pascal script and call these methods of the query component In other word can script access external Delphi components ? or through the TfrxDBDataSet.DataSet ?
    The deletion code removes blank lines.
    Yes but I dont understand why there are blank lines ?
  • edited October 2013
    welliam wrote: »
    Thanks but Iwould rather prefer to use the first example that iterate through the dataset. I am using external Query component (connected to FireBird) as the dataset so is there a way to use "NEXT" and "FIRST" from inside the report pascal script and call these methods of the query component In other word can script access external Delphi components ? or through the TfrxDBDataSet.DataSet ?
    Yes but I dont understand why there are blank lines ?
    First, you can have temporary tables in a Firebird database.

    TfrxDBDataSet.DataSet .Next/Prior/First/Last
    might work. Never tried it though.

    There may not be blank lines in your particular case, but then the code just doesn't do anything.
  • edited 6:57AM
    Ok Thanks alot
  • edited 6:57AM
    One suggestion I recall that when I made same report using Report Builder I just had to pass the skip number and repeat number to the report so it would be nice feature to have in Fast Report too.

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