Answers to frequently asked questions (faq)

edited November 2013 in FastCube 2
Answers to questions from users. Solutions for different tasks in FastCube 2.
- Installing and compiling packages.
- Tips
-To add support for FastScript and other packages use the Recompile Wizard utility (recompile.exe) located in the FastCube 2 installation directory.
-Run Recompile Wizard (recompile.exe) as Administrator since it needs a permission to run the compiler and to copy built packages to the system directory.
- Error loading package after compiling with TeeChart support
Error "The procedure entry point **** could not be located in the dynamic Link Library" indicates that an old compiled runtime package is present somewhere in the search path.
To fix this error you need to search for all FastCube 2 runtime packages, delete them and to run recompile.exe utility again.
First of all look for compiled packages in the system directory Windows\System32 or Windows\SysWOW64.

- Compatibility between version 2 with version 1.
- Cube and schema saves of the version 1 can be loaded in the version 2.
- Scripts from the version 1 are supported in the version 2.
- All class and unit names of version 2 differ from class and unit names of version 1.
- You can install both versions into IDE at the same time.
- You can use both versions in application at the same time.
- Version 2 API is not compatible with version 1.

- FastCube 2 API.
- Detail cell access
You can use TfcxSliceGrid.OnDataDblClick event handler to show your own cell detail component.
If you need to get count of detail records use method: TfcxSlice.GetDetailRecordsCount(ACol, ARow: Integer): integer where ACol and ARow are visible cell coordinates in TfcxSliceGrid.
To get the record index is the source data use method: TfcxSlice.GetDetailRecords(ACol, ARow, ARecIndex: Integer): integer where ARecIndex is a detail record index.
To access values of particular cube field of the source records object TfcxSourceHolder (TfcxCube.SourceHolder) use the following properties:
TfcxSourceHolder.UniqueValueCaption[ARow: integer; AField: TfcxCommonField]: TfcxString; // a value caption
TfcxSourceHolder.UniqueValueAsVariant[ARow: integer; AField: TfcxCommonField]: Variant; // a value itelsf
Where ARow is a record index in the source data and AField - is a cube field.

- Processing big amounts of data in FastCube 2.
- FastCube is not a server OLAP tool but a desktop OLAP. Therefore it is not designed to process big amounts of data. Nevertheless FastCube can process 2 millings of records and in our tests it processed even more but there are some things you need to care:
- don't load data from datasets with too much fields. Each field from a dataset is handled and stored by FastCube.
- don't load data with many unique values. 2 million table with 10 000 uniques in a dimension will be processed much faster than a table with 100 000 uniques in a dimension.
- pre-group data by the database if possible.
- don't use datasets connected to other views (such as TDBGrid) and use forward only cursors if possible.


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