Error while installing FR4.14 Current Version
I installing the Fast Report VCL Standard Edition 4.14 Current Version in Delphi 7, installation this OK, but while Recompile have a errors:
Someone help for me finish this installation???
I installing the Fast Report VCL Standard Edition 4.14 Current Version in Delphi 7, installation this OK, but while Recompile have a errors:
delphi7 error: fqb70.dpk(45) Fatal: File not found: 'fqbClass.dcu'
fqb70.dpk not compiled!
delphi7 error: fs7.dpk(62) Fatal: File not found: 'fs_ipascal.dcu'
fs7.dpk not compiled!
fsDB7.dpk compiled
fsBDE7.dpk compiled
fsADO7.dpk compiled
fsIBX7.dpk compiled
fsTee7.dpk compiled
delphi7 error: fqb70.dpk(45) Fatal: File not found: 'fqbClass.dcu'
frx7.dpk not compiled!
delphi7 error: fqb70.dpk(45) Fatal: File not found: 'fqbClass.dcu'
frxDB7.dpk not compiled!
delphi7 error: fqb70.dpk(45) Fatal: File not found: 'fqbClass.dcu'
frxBDE7.dpk not compiled!
delphi7 error: fqb70.dpk(45) Fatal: File not found: 'fqbClass.dcu'
frxADO7.dpk not compiled!
delphi7 error: fqb70.dpk(45) Fatal: File not found: 'fqbClass.dcu'
frxIBX7.dpk not compiled!
delphi7 error: fqb70.dpk(45) Fatal: File not found: 'fqbClass.dcu'
frxDBX7.dpk not compiled!
frxTee7.dpk compiled
delphi7 error: frxe7.dpk(68) Fatal: File not found: 'frxSendMAPI.dcu'
frxe7.dpk not compiled!
dclfs7.dpk compiled
dclfsDB7.dpk compiled
dclfsBDE7.dpk compiled
dclfsADO7.dpk compiled
dclfsIBX7.dpk compiled
dclfsTee7.dpk compiled
dclfrx7.dpk compiled
dclfrxDB7.dpk compiled
delphi7 error: dclfrxBDE7.dpk(37) Fatal: File not found: 'frxBDEReg.dcu'
dclfrxBDE7.dpk not compiled!
delphi7 error: dclfrxADO7.dpk(37) Fatal: File not found: 'frxADOReg.dcu'
dclfrxADO7.dpk not compiled!
dclfrxIBX7.dpk compiled
delphi7 error: dclfrxDBX7.dpk(37) Fatal: File not found: 'frxDBXReg.dcu'
dclfrxDBX7.dpk not compiled!
dclfrxTee7.dpk compiled
delphi7 error: dclfrxe7.dpk(38) Fatal: File not found: 'frxeReg.dcu'
dclfrxe7.dpk not compiled!
Someone help for me finish this installation???
after this, I compile the package fqb70.dpk in Delphi, while compile my application have a error in unit fs_isysrtti, at line:
444: Result := Copy(Caller.Params[0], frxInteger(Caller.Params[1]), frxInteger(Caller.Params[2]))