showing variables in preview window
I have a question relating to the use of variables
In the designer I have a text object with in it the text [MyVariable].
I am able to assign a value to that variable from the delphi main program, via the frxReport1GetValue method, and also via the frxReport1.Variables:=10 method.
But in the designer I am not able anymore to use the preview (Ctrl P). I get the error message 'Undeclared identifier 'MyVariable''. Logical: the preview window has no way of knowing its value.
So how should I proceed in order to be still able to use the preview?
I guess I need to add a variable via the menu Report | Variables and assign a dummy value to it, I guess in the 'Expression' field. But what expression should I use? (I cannot refer to a database field since I am not using databases).
I have a question relating to the use of variables
In the designer I have a text object with in it the text [MyVariable].
I am able to assign a value to that variable from the delphi main program, via the frxReport1GetValue method, and also via the frxReport1.Variables:=10 method.
But in the designer I am not able anymore to use the preview (Ctrl P). I get the error message 'Undeclared identifier 'MyVariable''. Logical: the preview window has no way of knowing its value.
So how should I proceed in order to be still able to use the preview?
I guess I need to add a variable via the menu Report | Variables and assign a dummy value to it, I guess in the 'Expression' field. But what expression should I use? (I cannot refer to a database field since I am not using databases).
the onget value event is external to the report and requires a running program to provide values.
other than that the method to design can be run from the .exe by calling design report.
mnu>variables after creating the variable put a value in the expression box at the bottom of the variable creation page.
or from delphi create the variables before calling design report;