BCB6 + Variables = NULL
I am using c++builder6 and FR3.
I want to access in the frxReport->Variables method from the code but this one is always NULL!
How can I add categories and variables from the code?
I want to access in the frxReport->Variables method from the code but this one is always NULL!
How can I add categories and variables from the code?
I have created a frxReport and all the methods and properties of the frxReport->Variables crash because the frxReport->Variables is equal to NULL. Then I cannot access to the variables.
FA: TSomething;
property A: TSomething read FA;
I've changed it to
FA: TSomething;
function GetFA: TSomething;
property A: TSomething read GetFA;
And it works now. BCB really ######... I start understanding why ReportBuilder does not have BCB version...
When can I receive this corrected version?
Could you send me this quickly?