Guys, I'm creating a report through code without using the file fr3. I wonder what's missing so I can leave my MasterData ok. I'm creating it and saying the following properties:
FrPrn: NewReport ("Orca")
FrPrn: AddBand ("MasterData", "Orca" , frxMasterData)
FrPrn: SetProperty ("MasterData", "DataSetName", "ORC")
When viewing the report the following message appears at the top right of the master data: "Dataset is not included in Report.DataSets"
what is missing?
Thank you for your attention
FrPrn: NewReport ("Orca")
FrPrn: AddBand ("MasterData", "Orca" , frxMasterData)
FrPrn: SetProperty ("MasterData", "DataSetName", "ORC")
When viewing the report the following message appears at the top right of the master data: "Dataset is not included in Report.DataSets"
what is missing?
Thank you for your attention
here is an example from the programmers manual
DataPage: TfrxDataPage;
Page: TfrxReportPage;
Band: TfrxBand;
DataBand: TfrxMasterData;
Memo: TfrxMemoView;
{ clear a report }
{ add a dataset to the list of ones accessible for a report }
{this is for external datasets}
{ add the "Data" page }
DataPage := TfrxDataPage.Create(frxReport1);