Conditional Page Break
I have a report with a page break set in the GroupHeader band. Right now it is set to break on data field Encounter.Doctor (table.column name)
There is an option to choose Expression below the Data field option. Can I insert a conditional page break here?
I have a keyvalue from a ComboBox to use in the expression.
I basically need the following IF statement but do not know how to get it into a code that Fast Reports can read. Is there some pascal code or another technique to acheive this?
There is an option to choose Expression below the Data field option. Can I insert a conditional page break here?
I have a keyvalue from a ComboBox to use in the expression.
I basically need the following IF statement but do not know how to get it into a code that Fast Reports can read. Is there some pascal code or another technique to acheive this?
If :DBLookupComboBox1.keyvalue := 'QQZ' Then break on Encounter.Doctor
    break on Encounter.Clinic
and Encounter.Clinic in variables and then call engine.newpage when there is a change? I've done something similar in other languages.