ActiveX Wrapper

edited June 2009 in FastReport 4.0
I'm looking for some example(s) that wrapped a ActiveX Component in a Fast Report Components.

Fast Report Barcode lib is too old, and Psoft barcode are junk code, they call old libs and their soultion is to not support Delphi2009.

The rest of the Barcode Libs for delphi do not support modern GS1 Standards. So that leaves me to the ActiveX world for my soultion.

So anyway I can use the ActiveX barcode in FR? It's going to cost me 4.5gigs a year to store it as a Image in the DB. With no easy way to save
a ton of barcodes to the hard drive then import filename(s) to a matching report page. There has to be a easier way!

Looking forward to the feedback!




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