Problem Grouping

Hi there!
I'm trying to make a report grouping data of two queries but I want to group them in two different groupheaders. I mean I want to get something like:
Static text(printed using masterheader)
GroupHeader with condition1
Groupfooter with data
Master footer (to sum query result)
Masterheader (other text)
Masterdata (other query)
Masterfooter (sum other query)
Other static text
Other groupheader with coundition2, printed SEPARATELY from the first
Groupfooter with data
Master footer (to sum third query's result)

But unfortunately I get something like:
Static Text
Group1 and Group2
Other bands

I've searched and tried everything in this forum about grouping, but with no result. Is it possible to get report looking as I want?


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 11:05AM
    if you are using fr3 or 4 post in correct forum.
    look at using subreport objects in detailbands set to a rowcount of 1 and not connectted to any dataset
  • edited 11:05AM
    Nope... version 2.5 >
  • edited March 2009
    Okay... The problem more precisely is how to separate two groupheaders?

    EDIT: I've been misunderstood the point of groupcondition in Groupheader. After some headbanging the problem is solved editing SQL to specify exact groupcondition.

  • edited 11:05AM
    I still have to try this myself and check it though.

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