Language in FR3


I've verified that the only available resources are in english and russian. I've read some posts that it'll be a long time to have them in another languages (spanish, for example). Howevwe, mi customers use to see their informs in their native language (spanish), and I can't integrate a new version until I've them translated.
As you are going to late, I'd like to start translating my copy. How can I do it?.

He comprobado que solo estan disponibles los recursos en ingles y ruso. He leido en algunos mensajes que llevar?? alg??n tiempo traducirlos a otros lenguajes (espa?±ol, por ejemplo). Sin embargo, mis clientes estan acostumbrados a ver sus informes en su idioma nativo (espa?±ol) y no puedo integrar la nueva versi??n hasta que no tenga los recursos traducidos.

Como a vosotros os llevar?? alg??n tiempo, quisiera empezar yo a traducir mi copia. ??Como debo hacerlo?


Pepe Alonso


  • edited 2:08PM
    Translate the files in the FR\RES\English folder and send them to me. You'll receive a free upgrade to FR3 Pro.
  • edited 2:08PM
    Alex, I already sent the archives translated into Portuguese. Also I will have upgrade free of the version pro?

    Marcos ;)
  • edited 2:08PM
    I think Spanish and Brazilian-Portugese is different things?
  • edited 2:08PM
    Yes, but the translation work is the same!


    Marcos ;)
  • edited 2:08PM
    AlexTZ wrote:
    Translate the files in the FR\RES\English folder and send them to me. You'll receive a free upgrade to FR3 Pro.

    Alex Thanks.

    Just it is the version that I bought days ago. ;)

    I put myself to work and I will already make you arrive the result.


    (En espa?±ol)

    Gracias Alex. Justo es la versi??n que compr?© hace unos dias.

    Me pongo a trabajar y ya os har?© llegar el resultado.

  • khhkhh
    edited 2:08PM
    What about new language translation?
    Do I receive a free FR3Pro?
    I don't have FR2!
  • edited 2:08PM
    What language you'd like to translate to?
  • khhkhh
    edited September 2004

    Arabic is a BiDi language, After I tested V2.53, I noticed that it requires some additional features to be fully supporting the RTL languages such as Direction [RTL/LTR] property for columns pages to start printing columns from right....also a global one for the page witch all elements on the page can inherits...and so on. If you are interesting in making your report engine a fully BiDiMode I will do some testing to give you what it needs.
  • khhkhh
    edited 2:08PM
  • edited 2:08PM
    I'd like to ask you, when will be available czech language.
    Best regards
  • edited 2:08PM
    khh wrote:

    Arabic is a BiDi language, After I tested V2.53, I noticed that it requires some additional features to be fully supporting the RTL languages such as Direction [RTL/LTR] property for columns pages to start printing columns from right....also a global one for the page witch all elements on the page can inherits...and so on. If you are interesting in making your report engine a fully BiDiMode I will do some testing to give you what it needs.
    FR3.0 do not supports yet a right-to-left page columns.
  • edited 2:08PM
    ttsoftware wrote:
    I'd like to ask you, when will be available czech language.
    Best regards
    You can make a translation (translate the files from res\english folder) and get free upgrade to FR3 Pro.
  • edited 2:08PM

    I've verified that the only available resources are in english and russian. I've read some posts that it'll be a long time to have them in another languages (spanish, for example). Howevwe, mi customers use to see their informs in their native language (spanish), and I can't integrate a new version until I've them translated.
    As you are going to late, I'd like to start translating my copy. How can I do it?.

    He comprobado que solo estan disponibles los recursos en ingles y ruso. He leido en algunos mensajes que llevar?? alg??n tiempo traducirlos a otros lenguajes (espa?±ol, por ejemplo). Sin embargo, mis clientes estan acostumbrados a ver sus informes en su idioma nativo (espa?±ol) y no puedo integrar la nueva versi??n hasta que no tenga los recursos traducidos.

    Como a vosotros os llevar?? alg??n tiempo, quisiera empezar yo a traducir mi copia. ??Como debo hacerlo?


    Pepe Alonso
    Hola , me gustaria tener los recursos en espa?±ol si logras traducirlos
    Ya que mi ingles es muy pobre
  • I think translation service can give you the best support regarding this. I had the same experience like you and contacted with the translation advisors. They gave me the better service then the others. Thanks
  • edited 2:08PM
    You'll receive a free upgrade to FR3 Pro.
  • edited 2:08PM
    Translate the files in the English folder and send them to me. You'll receive a free upgrade to FR3 Pro.

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