RSS-14 / GS1 Databar

edited 5:45AM in FastReport 4.0
Is it possible, maybe with a third party component, to print RSS-14 (now known as: GS1 Databar) Barcodes in FastReport=


  • OrionizerOrionizer North Carolina
    edited 5:45AM
    OlliWW wrote: »
    Is it possible, maybe with a third party component, to print RSS-14 (now known as: GS1 Databar) Barcodes in FastReport=

    I'd also like to know if this is possible. Does anyone know?
  • edited 5:45AM
    I found no solution for printing RSS-14 (GS 1 Databar) Barcodes. So i wrote my own FastReport Component which can print RSS-14 Barcodes.

    I have a very early alpha which prints:
    - RSS-14 Limited
    - RSS 14 Expanded
    - EAN128 (Mixed, for short Barcodes, not like FR which only can A B or C)

    Stacked and more to come.

    If there is somebody who wants to test it and help me to improve this component: Please don't heasitate to wirte a private message or leave a forum post here.
  • edited 5:45AM
    OlliWW wrote: »
    If there is somebody who wants to test it and help me to improve this component: Please don't heasitate to wirte a private message or leave a forum post here.
    At the moment I don't have a facility to test it, but I am certainly interested in being able to include this capability. Let us know how you progress and consider making it available to FR users as a component, of course with a price tag attached to it.
  • edited 5:45AM
    technisoft wrote: »
    consider making it available to FR users as a component
    That's my goal, but i don't want to sell software that's not working correctly, so i hope here some nice guys who will help me finding errors before i can release a official version. All i need is somebody with FastReport who can print some barcodes and scan them. And if there is some error report me which barcode is wrong.
  • edited 5:45AM
    This GS1 Databar fonts may support the creation of GS1 Databar barcodes in the Fast Reports
  • edited 5:45AM
    karuloqi wrote: »
    This GS1 Databar fonts may support the creation of GS1 Databar barcodes in the Fast Reports
    All these fonts seem to be tied to particular products and Delphi isn't one of them.

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