RichEdit eating last line (Solution)

I'm using feereport 234 and after making some reports my clients discovered that many times the last line wasn't printed.

I found out to be a problem in the calculation of the Height of the richedit. Here is the modified code I'm using. This is in FR_rich file.
function TfrRichView.DoCalcHeight: Integer;
  Range: TFormatRange;
  LastChar, MaxLen, LogX, LogY, NewDY, LowDy, HighDy: Integer;
  StopRender, Fit: Boolean;
  FillChar(Range, SizeOf(TFormatRange), 0);
  with Range do
    hdc := GetDC(0);
    hdcTarget := hdc;
    LogX := Screen.PixelsPerInch;
    LogY := LogX;

    LowDy := 0;
    HighDY := 1000000;

    MaxLen := SRichEdit.GetTextLen;
    while HighDy - LowDy > 8 do //no tiene ning??n sentido seguir si ya pas?© el m?­nimo
      NewDY := LowDy + (HighDy - LowDy) div 2;
      rc := Rect(0, 0, Round(DX * 1440 / LogX), Round(NewDY * 1440.0 / LogY));
      rcPage := rc;
      LastChar := CharFrom;
      chrg.cpMax := -1;
        chrg.cpMin := LastChar;
        LastChar := SRichEdit.Perform(EM_FORMATRANGE, 0, Integer(@Range));
        Fit := (LastChar >= MaxLen) or (LastChar = -1) or (LastChar = 0);
        StopRender := ((LastChar < MaxLen) and (LastChar <> -1)) or Fit;
      until StopRender;

      if Fit then
        HighDy := NewDY else
        LowDy := NewDY;
    ReleaseDC(0, hdc);
  SRichEdit.Perform(EM_FORMATRANGE, 0, 0);
  if HighDy < MinHeight then begin
    (* verificar que no sea un problema de c??lculo cuando queda una ??ltima l?­nea *)
    HighDy := DoCalcHeight div 2;
  Result := HighDy;

The first comment: No sense to keep going if we are under the min height
Second comment: Check that it is not a calculation problem when there is just one last line



  • edited 8:32PM
    Sorry, I don't get the problem! can you explain it more?
  • edited 8:32PM
    peleus wrote: »
    Got nothing on top of my head on this? Got a work aroundso far David?

    The code in the original post IS the solution to the problem. I posted it in case someone else faced the issue.
    In any case, the Freereport-utf project has the fix, and some other minor fixes.


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