Export Pdf using frxPdfExport under program control without Preview
I am hoping to generate a report and save it to a pdf file without a user interface or the user seeing the preview form.
I can't find the method for frxPDFExport that actually creates the pdf file.
Something like:
Hardee Mahoney
Washington DC
I am hoping to generate a report and save it to a pdf file without a user interface or the user seeing the preview form.
I can't find the method for frxPDFExport that actually creates the pdf file.
Something like:
  DataMod.frxReport1.LoadFromFile(ReportFile, true);
  PdfFile := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'Report.pdf';
  DataMod.frxPDFExport1.Report := DataMod.frxReport1;
  DataMod.frxPDFExport1.FileName := ReportFile;
  DataMod.frxPDFExport1. ?
Hardee Mahoney
Washington DC