Error recompiling D7 program with 4.12
I get this error when I try to build an app using 4.12
[Fatal Error] cReporting.pas(9): Unit frxClassRTTI was compiled with a different version of frxpngimage.TPNGObject
Why am I getting this error and how do I get around this problem.
[Fatal Error] cReporting.pas(9): Unit frxClassRTTI was compiled with a different version of frxpngimage.TPNGObject
Why am I getting this error and how do I get around this problem.
I am so happy not being the only one getting this error. I am using XP as well, with Delphi 2005.
I installed the Fastreports 4.12.15 on my computer to convert some old Rave reports to take everything the XE3. However as the FastReports 4.12.15 did not have option for convert, I used the stand alone program available at this forum, which seems to use FastReports 4.10. Does that have anything to do with the issue?
Now I get the "fatal error... Unit rfxClassRTTI was compiled with a different version of frxpngimage.TPNGObject"
Kr, Kalle
Kr, Kalle