Blank SUM
Im Using the function SUM and I think that it's correct, because work in others Text Objects in the same report.
Im Using This expression: [SUM(<dbdRespostas."count">,MasterData4)] -does not work
In Other TextObject (Same "Line") I Use: [dbdRespostas."count"] - works
What surprises me is that in the GroupFooter i have [SUM(<dbdRespostas."count">,MasterData4)]
and it wors fine too!
What Can be wrong?
Im Using This expression: [SUM(<dbdRespostas."count">,MasterData4)] -does not work
In Other TextObject (Same "Line") I Use: [dbdRespostas."count"] - works
What surprises me is that in the GroupFooter i have [SUM(<dbdRespostas."count">,MasterData4)]
and it wors fine too!
What Can be wrong?
I need of a accumulate colum like this
Option | Value | Accumulated
option1 | 2 | (2)
option2 | 5 | (7)
option3 | 3 | (10)
How I can do this?
At the top of code page create a typed variable acc: extended;
initialize it to 0 in the begin end.block at the bottom of the code page
or in an obp event of a band or header.
in the obp event of the memo write code to accumulate the value of the value field
acc:= acc +<datasetname.fieldname>;
Thank you very much!