

I'm getting an odd exception in my app using FastReports 2.51 (registered).

I'm creating and building a report at runtime. The first time round everything works fine. The second time round I get an exception in FR_Class.TfrBandView.SetPropValue.

Heres the key piece of code that raises the exception:
ABand := TfrBandView.Create;
ABand.SetBounds(0, 200, 0, 40);
ABand.BandType := btGroupHeader;
	ABand.Prop['CONDITION'] := '[' + FReportQuery.Name + '."' + FGroupField.FieldName + '"]';
	// To trap odd exception
ABand.Name := 'GroupHeaderBand';
ABand.Master := 'MasterBand';
ABand.Prop['FormNewPage'] := 1;

Debugging shows that the code drops into the section of SetPropValue that sets the DATASOURCE property as well as the CONDITION property.

As you can see I've added a try..except that hides the exception and allows the code to continue but its not pretty.

Any ideas\assistance would be welcome.


  • GreatDayDanGreatDayDan Keller, Texas
    edited 5:46PM
    Good Morning!

    Has an answer been found for this problem?

    I am also getting an AV but it is because in FR_Classes, in TfrBandView.SetPropValue(...
    else if Index = 'CONDITION' then
    GroupCondition := Value;
    if DocMode = dmPrinting then
    Parent.GroupCondition := Value

    DocMode is back to dmPrinting and Parent is NIL!

    I am even explicitly creating and freeing a new report.


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 5:46PM
    not sure what you mean by second time around.
    but before you start building
    call the clear methods of the report component
    ie frreport1.pages.clear;
    regards ;)
  • GreatDayDanGreatDayDan Keller, Texas
    edited 5:46PM
    Good Morning!

    That is already being done.

    I have a button on my form that builds the report. Using the same dataset, if I click the button a second time, then I get the error.

    I have added a try...except (as did Morlok) and that allows me to create a report more than once.

    I have posted part of the code to the VCL newsgroup in my "Group band does not show" post.


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