Infinite empty pages


I'm using the following instruction to create new pages into my report

for i := Initial to Total do
if i <= Total NewPage ;

Initial and Total are variables contained into Data Dictionary and the values are assigned into my delphi program. This report is working correctly creating all pages requested. But today I had to copy the program and report in two different computers and when user try to get the report the progress screen show us that is creating a unlimited pages, if the process is cancelled by the user the report show us only empty pages.

Can you tell me what happeed or what I have to do to fix this problem?

I'm using Delphi6, FR 2.47 and all computers with Win98, thank you very much for your help.


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 6:52PM
    Without more details about the report it is very hard to tell, however if the report and application work fine on your system and not on customers, I would check to make sure you have not hardcoded data basename properties of tables and queries to paths instead of aliases.
    regards ;)
  • edited 6:52PM
    Hello Gork.

    In this report I??m not using any database, it is a formatted page and page number is the only change when a new page is created. From delphi I send initial and final page number as follows:

    //Imprime folios
    frfolios.Dictionary.Variables := Trim(edInicial.Text) ;
    frfolios.Dictionary.Variables := Trim(edFinal.Text) ;
    frFolios.ShowReport ;

    All MemoView are contained in a page header band, also I have an invisible child band and into its beforeprint event I have the follow script:

    i := i + 1 ;
    if i <= Final then NewPage ;

    Where i is my current page number and was initialized with Initial value in page header bfp event. As you will see I'm not using any database.

    Some days ago, both computers (with print out problem) they had a problem with its printer driver (HP LaserJet 1200) and I don't know if this problem could affect the fast-report performance. What do you think about this?.

    Well thak you very much for your time and help.

  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 6:52PM
    Did the report run before the printer problem? if it did then that may be the problem, it will depend upon what they did, like reinstalling an old bad printer driver. Do you have any other reports in the app that run ok?
  • edited 6:52PM
    Hello Gord.

    Sorry to answer you late, due problems with drivers printer I uninstalled all drivers from HP LaserJet 1000 and the problems with FR empty pages was solved. I read on Internet a lot of problems with this driver with different software.

    Thank you for your help.

    Miguel Matus

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