TfrxMemoView with anabled AllowHTMLTags - Export size to big
I try to export a report to a PDF and when I have the AllowHTMLTags enabled in a MemoView then my FileSize is more then 9MB. When I have it disabled the filesize is onlys 200KB.
How can I fix this problem? We really need support. Hope to hear from you soon!
I try to export a report to a PDF and when I have the AllowHTMLTags enabled in a MemoView then my FileSize is more then 9MB. When I have it disabled the filesize is onlys 200KB.
How can I fix this problem? We really need support. Hope to hear from you soon!
The reason for it is that the whole MemoView becomes one graphic in the pdf document. Unfortunately there is no solution. I'm also waiting for a solution.